Veggie Yogurt Cheese


Lactose is a milk sugar that is naturally occurring in milk. Lactose requires specific enzymes to be broken down in the intestines and can create digestive discomfort in individuals who lack the specific enzymes, a condition known as “Lactose Intolerance”. In fact, many customers who report suffering lactose intolerance tell us they have been able to eat Bunker Hill Yogurt Cultured Cheese without any adverse effects, due in part to the probiotic acidophilus and bifidium cultures fortified in the Yogurt Cultured cheese, which helps provide good digestive health benefits.

During the culturing of milk for cheese making, the starter milk cultures metabolize the lactose and convert it into lactic acid. The rate of depletion of lactose depends on the amount of culture present and the aging of the cheese. Bunker Hill Yogurt Cultured cheese products are lactose free by definition (contain less than 0.5 g per serving or less than 0.10%) within the days required to leave our warehouse and enter the market. Lactose continues to diminish and is effectively 0 on cheese that is aged to what is considered “sharp cheese”.

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ING: pasteurized part-skim milk, salt, celery, onion, red and green peppers, parsley, carrots, microbial coagulant, yogurt (part-skim milk, and cultures), yogurt cultures, acidolphilus, bifidus, casei.